

Open House Jewelry Parties

Sat. Dec. 1
530 Ontario Drive, Tooele
3:00 - 6:00 pm

Thursday, Dec. 15
466 E Downington Ave (1820 S), SLC
6:00 -9:00 pm

People's Market Holiday Market

Saturday December 8 and Saturday December 15
Trolley Square  (600 S 700 E... south entrance)
12:00 - 8:00 pm


The holidays are upon us...

It's amazing how quickly the holidays sneak up on us!  But it's the perfect time to start you're holiday shopping.  Here is a preview of some of the new wire-wrapped Utah desert rock pendants I have been working on.  If you have any special requests for anything please feel free to contact me! 
I will keep the blog and Facebook page updated with holiday market dates and possible holiday jewelry parties.

Wire-wrapped Utah Desert Rock Pendants


Time flies...

when you're having fun in the sun!  I can't believe the summer market season is already winding down.  I have been so busy.  I apologize for not updating with pictures more often this summer.  I also apologize because I will not be at the Cache Valley Gardeners Market until Sept.8 due to an emergency surgery with my kitty.  So, I have two scheduled markets left for the season and once those are done I will be looking to book some parties.  If anyone is interested in hosting one sometime this fall/holiday season please contact me. 

Sunday, Aug. 19... Park Silly Sunday Market  10am-5pm
Saturday, Sept. 8... Cache Valley Market, Logan  9am-1pm


New things and old things...

Some photos of a few new things and some of old designs but new items. Thanks to all those who have come out to the markets so far this season, it has been a great one so far!!

More rock necklaces that I collected from the Utah desert and tumbled myself...

Stone donut necklaces

African opal earrings

Ryolite "rainforest stone"

Small copper colored clay earrings w/ moonstone accent bead

Large antique gold colored clay earrings w/ ryolite accent bead

New memory wire bracelets... more to come

New loop earrings w/ tri color stone beads

Real Salt Lake inspired earrings... Claret and Cobalt  :)


2012 Summer Market Season...

Here are the dates I have scheduled so far for the summer season.  I am hoping to add a few more.  As always, if you have an requests/comments please contact me.
Sun. June 10 - Park Silly Sunday Market  10AM-5PM
Sun. June 17 - Park Silly Sunday Market  10AM-5PM
Fri. June 22- Sat. June 23 - Tooele Arts Festival
Sun. July 1 - Park Silly Sunday Market  10AM-5PM
Sun. July 15 - Park Silly Sunday Market  10AM-5PM
Sun. July 29 - Park Silly Sunday Market  10AM-5PM
Sat. Aug 4 - Cache Valley Gardeners Market - 9AM-1PM
Sun. Aug 26 - Park Silly Sunday Market  10AM-5PM
Sat. Sept 8 - Cache Valley Gardeners Market - 9AM-1PM

Here are links to the event websites...

Park Silly Sunday Market

Cache Valley Gardeners Market

Tooele Arts Festival


Wire Wrapped Rings...

These are some wire wrapped rings I decided to try making, and I think they turned out okay!
With some more practice I am hoping to have plenty of these for the upcoming market season. As always, if you ever have requests please feel free to contact me!


Back online...

I finally got some more stuff up on my Etsy shop! It's not much yet but I am planning to add stuff. Check it out and as always if you have any requests, etc please do not hesitate at all to get a hold of me.
